Our goal at Calvary Hill is to help you grow in your relationship with Christ.

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Livestream Sunday at 11 AM

Our Mission

Our Mission is to grow together in Christ-like living, share God’s love with the community and the world, and welcome all to join in the journey.

Core Values

  • God-centered worship that is engaging, hopeful, uplifting, relevant, and challenging.

  • Nurture an atmosphere of welcoming Christian community in which all are encouraged to participate and grow spiritually.

  • Share God’s unconditional love with the community and the world in the name of Jesus Christ.

  • Engage in congregational decisions affecting the life of the church.

Our Vision

Understanding that we are Christ’s presence in the world, it is Calvary Hill’s vision to become a congregation that is continually impacting the community by helping God’s kingdom grow in and through us. We are recognizing each individual’s responsibility to grow in Christ, follow wherever God might lead, intentionally build relationships, and seek and create opportunities to humbly and selflessly serve.